FOCUS: Intermediate Level Teams- To benefit from these sessions, teams must have achieved the following pre-requisites:

• Basic understanding of control and passing
• Players possess the fundamental motor skills to play accurate passes and receive passes
• Basic Understanding of support and space All sessions try to offer incremental difficulty which allows players to succeed while also pushing them harder as the session goes on.

NOTE: Sessions may take longer to master depending on age and ability of your group, please allow extra time to develop understanding if necessary.

PRE-REQUISITE: We would recommend if you haven't already done so reading the Guide to Passing and Third Man Runs so you can understand the theory better and realize the WHY as well as the HOW CLICK TO DOWNLOAD GUIDE

** If you haven't already we recommend you complete the Field Awareness & Game Intelligence Pack to get the most out of his four week series.


Webinar: Field Awareness & Game Intelligence